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Join Mijke on a visual journey where identity, resilience, and social engagement converge. Be prepared to be inspired by her audacious vision of the world. 


Mijke is an energetic Dutch and socially engaged photographer, based in the Northern part of the Netherlands and Mallorca, Spain. She embraces unchartered territories and languages, allowing her to easily connect with people from diverse backgrounds. 


As a photographer, Mijke creates a safe space for genuine expressions to emerge. In this atmosphere, vulnerability is embraced, resulting in natural and serene moments captured with boldness, a fine eye for aesthetics and with grace. In her work, she navigates the realm between contrived compositions and spontaneous realities. Mijke seeks to collaborate with people and brands that aim to ignite change.


Beyond commercial work, Mijke orchestrates autonomous projects. Examples of her projects in the Netherlands include "Wad Naakt," an exploration of vulnerability and resilience, and the "Wad the F*CK" Awareness Campaign, a collaboration with Plastic-free Wadden Sea. The organisation Libre Expresión, which Mijke launched in Honduras (and still exists to this day), set out to empower children and youth in Honduras through an approach that utilizes photography as a powerful tool for self-expression.


Mijke’s love for humanity and the natural world extends beyond the confines of the camera lens. She passionately cultivates an orchard-turned-food forest in Friesland, The Netherlands—a sanctuary for transformative educational and cultural projects: 't Landje van Dokkum.

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